General information A fusiform muscle situated in the anterior forearm. It is one of the superficial forearm flexors, along with the pronator teres, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor carpi radialis muscles. Literal...
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General information A fusiform muscle situated in the anterior forearm. It is one of the superficial forearm flexors, along with the pronator teres, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor carpi radialis muscles. Literal...
General information A short intrinsic muscle in the hand which, with the abductor digiti minimi and opponens digiti minimi muscles, makes up the hypothenar group. Literal meaning The short muscle that bends the little finger. Interesting...
General information Flexor digitorum brevis is a broad muscle located deeply in sole of the foot. Along with the abductor hallucis and abductor digiti minimi muscles, it makes up the first layer of plantar muscles. Also, this muscle is part...
General information The muscle is located on the inner region of the leg, close to the tibia. At its point of origin it is narrow and pointed; however, it progressively widens and becomes larger as it travels downward. Literal meaning...
General information It is a muscle of the forearm that serves to flex the upper digits/fingers. It is considered an extrinsic hand muscle because it acts on the hand even though its belly is situated in the forearm. Along with two other...
General information Flexor hallucis brevis is one of the muscles in the plantar surface of the foot. Literal meaning A short muscle that flexes (bends) the big toe Interesting information Flexor hallucis brevis is subject to considerable...
General information Flexor digitorum superficialis is a flexor muscle located in the anterior compartment of the forearm. Literal meaning Superficial muscle that flexes (bends) the fingers. Interesting information Flexor digitorum...
General information Flexor hallucis longus is one of the muscles of the leg situated deep in the posterior compartment. Literal meaning The long muscle that flexes (bends) the big toe. Interesting information Flexor hallucis longus is...
General information Flexor pollicis longus is a muscle situated in the deep layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm. Literal meaning The long muscle that flexes (bends) the thumb. Interesting information This muscle is particularly...
General information Frontalis, also referred to as the epicranius, is a muscle of the forehead which adheres to the superficial fascia. It is often considered to be synonymous with the occipitofrontalis muscle. Literal meaning The muscle at...
General information Flexor pollicis brevis is one of three thenar muscles situated in the palm of the hand. Literal meaning The short muscle that flexes (bends) the thumb. Interesting information This singular muscle is composed of two...
General information A fusiform muscle in the posterior forearm, lateral region. It is part of the superficial forearm extensor group, along with the anconeus, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor digitorum, extensor...